Shipping Guide

Production Time

  • TPE Brands: 1-2 weeks
  • Silicone Brands: 3-5 weeks

Note*: This is the estimated time. Production may take a little longer due to inclement weather or holidays, etc.

Shipping Confirmation

We will send you photos to make the confirmation before the shipment.

Note*:  If you would like to pick up your package at a FedEx/UPS/DHL store, please specify your local FedEx/UPS/DHL store address when placing your order. If you need to drop it off at a FedEx/UPS/DHL store because you’re out of home for some reason, please let us know your local FedEx/UPS/DHL store address before it is shipped.


What Are Our Shipping Options?

Our shipping partners are UPS, DHL and FedEx. We use them to speed up shipping and guarantee a safe delivery.

Where Ships To

All Sex Dolls are FREE Shipping by UPS, DHL and FedEx. Free Shipping WorldWide! But due to import laws, we DO NOT SHIP to the following destinations: Islamic countries, India, Africa, or Brazil.

United States 9-14 business days
Europe 15-20 business days
Canada 9-14 business days
Australia 7-12 business days